God’s promises remain

“Can we get a kid’s meal, Mom? Please, please, please.”

Hunger wasn’t the driving force behind their desire. It was the toy.

Thanks to marketing ingenuity, the pocketsize Furby displayed on the drive-up screen caught their attention and their hearts.

“Not today, but we can come back Wednesday and get happy meals before church.”

Wednesday morning arrived as if it were Christmas Day, and the moment I picked them up from school they were ready to cash in on the long, two-day awaited promise.

I handed the meals over, but rather than grabbing out the box of fries, they went straight for the toy bags. Little sister ripped hers open and squealed with delight and she squeezed the miniature stuffed Furby with unbridled zeal.

“Oh, this is it?” Big sister tossed hers back in the bag, not even attempting to hide her disappointment that the toy in her possession looked nothing like the magnified ad that had caught her eye.

A dose of real life.

The truth is, I struggle with the same concept.

Noticing and watching the world around me, allowing my heart to be captivated by all the shiny and impressive things. The perfectly curated social media accounts. The trendy homes. The updated wardrobes. The delicious meals. The amazing vacations.
Endless offerings that still leave me feeling unsatisfied and longing for more.

“The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made. The Lord upholds those who fall and lifts up those who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.” – Psalm 145:13-16

It is God, alone, who truly satisfies.

Yet if we continue chasing after and desiring the things of this world, we will be left with a bitter taste. Starving for peace. Thirsting to be filled. Digging ourselves further into an insatiable hole that we can never escape.

Only by God’s hand will we find true satisfaction and relief.

A new home, updated wardrobes, the latest technology, the best vacation – their effects will eventually wear off. But the promises and faithfulness of the Lord, they will never fail.


love, not lectures


watching and waiting