Unusual redemption

She was right in the middle of planning her wedding when she received the most shocking news of her life.

She was pregnant.

The pregnancy was completely unplanned, at least on her part, that is. She wasn’t expecting, much less trying, to become a mother anytime soon although she probably hoped for a child one day… just not today.

She had a reputation. A really good one, in fact. What would people think of her now?

“Good little Mary having herself a quick and quiet wedding. Putting the cart before the horse, huh?”

Imagine what everyone was thinking and saying. How the words were flying and gossip was spreading like wildfire.

But God was allowing this. This was part of His plan - turning her life upside down. In the midst of the uncertainty, the challenge, the amazing exercise of faith that was taking place here, God was working and moving in a mighty way.

He was strengthening her. Growing her, both physically and spiritually. And the circumstance through which God was allowing Mary to walk was the very thing He was using to redeem her.

What unplanned, surprising situation are you facing right now? Does it seem so overwhelming, disruptive, or terrifying that you can’t imagine how God could ever use it for good, much less for redemption?

I’ve been there, friend. I’ve walked through circumstances so difficult and uncomfortable. A situation that turned all of my plans upside down, and I wondered how God would redeem it.

It was a season where my faith was strengthened. God was challenging and changing and growing me in ways I desperately needed. And all the while, God was using that very season to redeem me – to draw me back into His loving arms, pulling me closer than ever before.

God is in the business of redemption, using unexpected, unplanned, and surprising circumstances to accomplish his purposes and draw us near.

An unwed pregnant mother.

A baby in a manger.

A young divorcee.

He works and redeems in unusual ways… and most often when we least expect it.

“Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people.” Luke 1:68


Treasuring unplanned moments


Hope and joy