Abundant supply

I never stocked up on toilet paper. Honestly, I didn’t know I was supposed to until it was too late.


Overnight, warnings were given to prepare for a lock down, so I went to the store and bought what I could. Not too much of anything but enough to feed my family for two weeks. No toilet paper was to be found anywhere. But thankfully, the week before the big toilet paper run, I purchased a larger package of toilet paper than what I usually buy because I seemed to be buying a package every other week. Not a mega package, just a package of 9 rolls...which supposedly equals 18 rolls in toilet paper math. And our prayer, from the day the pandemic began, was that God would continue to provide for us and take care of us...and we trusted he would.


A few months into the pandemic I thought to myself, “we still have a lot of toilet paper left.” And turns out, that one package of toilet paper lasted for months - until all of the stores were fully stocked again. We weren’t in need. Our bottoms were fine. And worst-case scenario, we figured we could make use of the trees in our yard...nature’s supply.



There was a woman who was running low on resources after her husband died. She was in great debt and in great need and she asked for help from a man of God, Elisha. She followed his instructions to pour her remaining oil into as many empty jars as she could gather and a miracle happened - the oil didn’t run out until there were no jars left. (2 Kings 4)

And then there was this group of people that God led out of slavery into the dessert. They were hungry and helpless and needy and God rained down food from Heaven every day and made water flow from rocks to keep them sustained.

(Exodus 16&17)



Paul said it well in his letter to the Philippians when he said “this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)


I know toilet paper is more of a luxury than a need, and it’s one I certainly appreciate. But I find great comfort knowing that God gives to us out of his glorious riches. Because we are all needy people in one way or another. And I don’t know what you need today - comfort, forgiveness, encouragement, peace, wisdom, help, love - but whatever it is, God has more than enough to supply it for you.


You don’t have to run to the store and stock up. You simply need to ask God, who is so very generous, and He will graciously meet your need with an abundant supply.


A miracle & a starting place


Story telling scars