Choose wisely

They knew it was wrong. Both of them. God told him, and he must have passed the word along to her.


But they stood near the tree. Listening. Staring. Contemplating a life changing decision.


“Did God really say?” (Genesis 3:1)


It was a simple question, and one that should have snapped her back into reality and sent her running towards the Tree of Life.


But she stayed. She lingered. The serpent didn’t chase her down and drag her into temptation. Maybe he had noticed the pair circling the tree on a regular basis. The circles were getting smaller with each pass. The visits more frequent. And so, conveniently, he just waited until she was close enough to see him and hear him. Slinking down the branches, he asked her a question.


She knew the answer. It didn’t matter. She took a forbidden bite, an action she would never be able to reverse. And Adam didn’t stop her.


“She took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.” (Genesis 3:6)


Eve knew God’s truth and chose to follow her own desires anyway.


Adam knew God’s truth and chose to remain silent and follow suit.


Do you feel like an Adam or maybe an Eve. Do you wonder why resisting is so hard and silence is so easy? You’re not alone, friend. You’re in good, flesh covered company.


In Christ, we have an option. We have heavenly strength, holy courage, and divine help. So what will you do? Will you speak up in truth no matter how unpopular it may be? Will you flee from temptation and run towards God no matter how difficult it seems?


When pressed, we always have two choices: give in to sin or give glory to God.


Lord, help us choose wisely.


New norm


A miracle & a starting place