What You’re Looking For
“That’s a good man right there.” She pointed her little finger in the direction of the young employee tossing crushed up water bottles and pieces of trash into a bag. “We should bring a bag next time we come to the gym so we can help pick up trash, too. I don’t know why people throw their things outside.”
The young man walked ahead of us towards the building, but we happened to catch up with him at the entrance. I made mention of my daughter’s comments, commending his work, and a bright smile spread across his face as he gave her thumbs up.
After dropping the girls in the kids’ area, I made my way to the second floor for the best view from my space on the elliptical. The TV screen across the room, set on Fox News, flashed through images and videos of teenagers in Chicago. My jaw dropped at the sight of a mob of adolescents assaulting a woman who couldn’t get away, and I hoped and prayed that someone, some kind and brave soul, rescued her from the violence swallowing her up.
Another video showed a mob of teenagers jumping on cars, and video after video was nothing but a pure display of rebellion, of evil, and of destruction.
Half an hour later as we exited the gym, a young couple met us on the other side of the glass door, and as the boy looked up and saw us, he backtracked and held open the door.
Our entrance and exit had been a stark contrast of what I’d seen displayed on the news, and I was grateful that my children and I had been met with good examples and kindness.
You will find exactly what you are looking for, my friend. Whatever your focus may be, the opportunities will abound.
If it is anger that you desire, you will find no shortage inside the continental United States. If it is offense you are seeking, it will meet you everywhere. If you are looking for opportunities to explode, they are plentiful and for the taking. And if despair and fear and discouragement have captured your heart and eyes, they will relentlessly follow you wherever you go.
In a society shrouded in darkness and confusion, it often feels that only evil prevails. That the only possessions stored up for the future are turmoil, disappointment, and division.
And listen, you might be on to something, and frankly, I wouldn’t entirely disagree. Evil has run rampant since the days of Eden, and it’s simply fulfilling its assignment while there is still time.
You and I can’t control the people around us. We can’t fix the insurmountable pile of problems, either. But we are in charge of our focus and our actions. We decide on what we will dwell, how we will behave, and how we will respond.
And so if it is kindness and love you’re longing for, look for it. Notice it in the doors opened by strangers or in the heroic acts of first responders. Witness it play out through the interaction of a mother nurturing her child, or in the fist full of dandelions stuffed inside tiny hands.
If it’s encouragement you’re seeking, find it tucked inside the pages of God’s Word. Written in a card from a friend. Behind the cover page of an edifying book, or floating through the chorus of an uplifting song.
If it beauty you desire, step outside to witness a sunrise. Make a point to notice the new life on the trees. Quiet your mind to listen to the melodies of the birds. Bend down to take in the delicate details of the flowers in bloom, or lift your eyes to the incredible display of stars on a dark night.
And if it is hope, peace, or comfort you’re longing for, turn your heart to God. To the creator of the universe. The author and perfector of life. To the One who promises to be found when you seek Him with all your heart.